Winnebago County Community Mental Health Board

Accelerator Award information and Strategic Plan 2.0 Approved Final will be on the “Funding Resources Page.”


[ID: Winnebago County Community Mental Health Board Logo of a Green Ribbon on Navy background with White text of Organization acronym and name.]


Vision, Mission, Values, Principles

The purpose of the Winnebago County Community Mental Health Board (WCCMHB) is to plan, implement, and monitor a system of mental health and substance use services for Winnebago County residents suffering from serious mental illness and substance use. WCCMHB distributes sales tax proceeds to provide services to individuals whose illnesses prevent their functioning in age-appropriate social roles. The use of clinical, evidence-based practices allows individuals with serious mental illness and substance use disorders to remain in the community while accessing their care needs.

Social Media links are on the Updates Page

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Board Members

Mary Ann Abate: President

Dick Kunnert: Vice President

Dr. Bill Gorski: Secretary

Dr. Terry Giardini Treasurer

Andrell Bragg-Shaw

Dr. Reverend K. Edward Copeland

Margie Lindmark

Timothy Nabors: FOIA Officer

Jeff Nielsen

Mohammad Yunus


In the 2020 Winnebago County primary election, there were 43,723 votes cast for the following question: "Do you support raising our community’s sales tax one-half cent on a dollar to fund mental health services in our area?" The answer was a resounding... YES! Our community was willing to do something about the mental health crisis right here at home. When you spend two dollars, an additional penny is exclusively earmarked for community mental health and substance use disorder services in Winnebago County. The half-cent tax generates about eighteen million dollars in revenue each year.

Winnebago County Community Mental Health Board (WCCMHB) was established by county ordinance and operates pursuant to the Illinois Community Mental Health Act, 405 ILCS 20/0.1, et seq. Inaugural board members were Mary Ann Abate, president; Richard (Dick) Kunnert, vice president; the Reverend Doctor K.E. Copeland, treasurer; Danielle Angileri, secretary; and board members Dr. Bill Gorski, Dr. Terry Giardini, Dr. Julie Morris, Linda Sandquist, and Tim Nabors. Wendy Larson-Bennett and Jay Ware were advisors to the Board.

WCCMHB meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 2 pm. If you would like to sign up for public comment, email at least 2 hours in advance of any scheduled meeting. You will be given up to three minutes to make your comments.

Through an intergovernmental agreement, Region 1 Planning Council provides administrative and technical support for WCCMHB.

For requests for accommodations, contact Jason Holcomb, Director of Community Impact at Region 1 Planning Council.

Email:; phone: (815) 277-1022.


Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request can be sent to our FOIA Officer

Timothy Nabors